Friday, July 17, 2009

getting things out of my brain

Well here I go. A quick disclaimer: I will be doing this as more of a stream of concuss. The purpose is to take the time to type some of the random thoughts and debates I have constantly in my own brain. It will not be edited and I ask any readers to refrain from being offended or reading anything into what I write. I certainly don't take myself seriously and neither should you. If you are offended, lighten up or piss off don't read it.

I've been stewing over a debate that raged on facebook yesterday between some of my friends so hear are some thoughts on politics, one of my favorite subjects.

I love to have heated discussions about political policy. Unfortunately, I don't do this very often. The reason for this is that most of the people I know don't care that much about it. Some of the others fall into a more aggravating category, people with POLITICAL BELIEFS. I am as certain of this one thing as much as I am of anything: Political beliefs are for sheep and those that want something from the sheep. I prefer IDEAS. You don't have to think about or analyze a belief, it is absolute, the tool of a weak or lazy mind. Ideas on the other hand not only require thought but more importantly can change over time due to a change in perception or circumstances. Beliefs force the believer to constrain their thoughts with no ability to very or adjust the belief. This leads to closed mindedness, a vile human trait IMHO. No belief has ever fixed a problem, only caused them.

In my opinion politics in this country is a lost cause. The populous has been dumbed down to the point that all most people can do when asked about an issue is regurgitate the mantra of whatever party they belong to with no thought about how is effects them or more importantly our society as a whole. Yet, know one gets upset when our schools are underfunded or we have a 50% dropout rate. What do people think happens to someone that drops out of high school? It was bad enough when school started cutting out music and art but now some schools are getting rid of civics class. Why is the world would our governments want to eliminate a subject that teaches kids how our government works... that's it! more easily led sheep. Wake up, politicians from both parties have only one priority and it isn't the welfare of their constituents , it is to get re-elected enough time to get a nice pension, free lifetime health care and a nice job with a lobbying firm or one of the companies they represent. Case in point. Dick Chaney, longtime "public servant" leaves office, becomes VP of a huge construction firm without any background in construction, is paid an obscene salary because of his access to government officials. He leaves to become Vice President and his former company not only gets billions in government contracts but fails to do 100's of millions of dollars worth of work they were paid for and no one asks any questions. Edward R. Morrow must be doing flips in his grave. So much for the "liberal media" in this country. What a bunch of spineless corporate whores. But I'll save my contempt for the U.S. media for another day.

Wow!, I was hoping this wouldn't turn into a rant but fuck it, it is what it is. Such are the contents of my brain today.



At least two thirds of our miseries spring from human stupidity, human malice and those great motivators and justifiers of malice and stupidity, idealism, dogmatism and proselytizing zeal on behalf of religious or political idols.

Aldous Huxley:


  1. I concur and yes, this is exactly what I started my for as well. I was getting bored debating with me and myself.

  2. I disagree with everything you said.

  3. by the way Brad babby118=searer
